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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Teaching degree for vocational schools I

Credit Points / Leistungspunkte

69 of 180

Regelstudienzeit 6 semesters
Studienbeginn Winter semester
Unterrichtssprache German


The bachelor’s degree in teacher education covers medieval German language & literature, modern German literature, linguistics & specialist didactics.

Language proficiency and other requirements

The Ordinance for Entrance into the Teaching Profession NRW (Lehramtszugangsverordnung NRW) stipulates that all teacher education graduates must be proficient in two foreign languages, irrespective of whether they are studying a foreign language or not (an exception applies to teacher education degree programmes for vocational colleges). Foreign language proficiency is not a requirement for the teacher education degree programmes but rather for access to the teaching practice placement. If you do not have sufficient language proficiency at the beginning of the course, you can acquire it while studying for your degree. For more detailed information, go to the ZfL Navigation Tool.

Course description

The degree aims to provide you with solid and structured knowledge of German, which you can then competently and independently utilise and teach not only in a school setting but also in various other professions. You will learn to properly analyse linguistic, literary and media concepts and processes using a linguistic and textological approach and learn how to reflect on them in their historical and cultural contexts, while understanding their social relevance and their further development. The degree programme thus combines learning an equally broad and differentiated level of specialist and methodological knowledge with learning the first didactic teaching skills tailored to your future profession.

Application for the first semester

You can register on the KLIPS 2.0 portal during the application period. You can find further information on the website of the Student Application and Registration Office. Prospective students who are not EU citizens should visit the website of the International Office for information on the application formalities.

How can I improve my application prospects?

Only for NC subjects: It is possible to submit a special application under certain circumstances, e.g. if you are a minor or an elite athlete or in cases of hardship. You can find information on special applications here.


You can find all of the information you require for enrolling from the Student Application and Registration Office.

Dates before beginning of course

All the important information about dates and events before you start your studies have been brought together for you in the First-Year Students’ Portal.

Possible master’s degrees

You continue your teacher training studies after the Bachelor of Arts with the Master of Education. The master’s degree is an in-depth degree programme. It is required for the teaching practice element of teacher education.

Higher education entrance qualification

You will usually need a higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung - HZB), e.g. an Abitur or equivalent. You can find out more information on the HZB from the Student Application and Registration Office.

With a foreign higher education entrance qualification, please visit the website of the International Office for more information.

Selection procedure for 1st semester

In order to obtain a place on the course, you must register by the stated deadline and will then promptly receive an offer of a place. No selection procedure is carried out (without NC).

Note for prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: please visit the website of the International Office for more information. It is possible that different regulations apply.



Students must pay fees every semester that are regularly adjusted to take account of e.g. the costs for local public transport. The semester fees for enrolment or re-registering are

Winter semester 2024/25: €304.25

You can find out more information on the semester fees from the Student Application and Registration Office.


You can find an overview of the possible costs during your degree on the page about finance and accommodation.